what does proposition 1 include?

Why is this important?

It’s about safety, reliability and working together. Right now, our emergency systems have gaps in coverage, especially inside buildings and in rural areas. When every second counts during an emergency, having a reliable way for first responders to communicate is essential. 

Support Our First responders

Yakima proposition 1 aims to: 

Currently the gaps in our coverage include buildings and rural areas. First responders can sometimes struggle to get a signal in these places, which can slow down response times when every second counts. With the new system, we’ll be able to ensure that firefighters, paramedics and law enforcement can communicate clearly no matter where they are. 

Emergencies are unpredictable, and the last thing we want is for critical communication to fail. The current system has its limitations, and we’ve seen first-hand how it can break down during major incidents. Upgrading our radio infrastructure will provide a more stable and reliable network that ensures first responders can stay in touch during emergencies. 

Our local police, fire and emergency medical teams are often working alongside other state and federal agencies in major incidents. Right now, these agencies do not always have an easy way to communicate with one another, which can slow things down and make it harder to coordinate efforts. By consolidating radio systems into one unified network, agencies can talk to each other instantly and clearly, improving response times and the effectiveness of operations. 

Many of the systems we’re using today are outdated and no longer meet the demands of modern-day emergencies. Some of the radio equipment is near the end of its life, and it’s becoming more difficult to maintain. Proposition 1 will modernize our public safety communications, allowing us to have a system that is scalable, efficient and future-proof. 

By consolidating the multiple individual radio systems into a single, county-wide system, we’ll make better use of our resources. Right now, multiple agencies maintain separate radio systems, which is not only inefficient but also costly. With a unified system, agencies can share infrastructure, reduce redundances and lower long-term costs. 

At the core of this initiative is the safety of everyone in Yakima County. When first responders have access to reliable and modern communication systems, they can do their jobs more effectively. This not only improves the safety of our first responders, but also enhances the safety of everyone in our community


How much will this project cost?

The total cost to get everything in place is estimated to be $28-$35 million. This covers everything from the new radios to upgrading equipment at repeater sites. Once everything is up and running, we’ll also need a small annual budget for maintenance and upgrades, estimated at $3.3 million per year. 


How will this be funded?

We’re proposing a modest increase in the county’s sales tax – just 2/10 of 1%. This will help cover the costs of the new equipment and keep things running smoothly for years to come. 

A Temporary Tax for Long-Term Safety

Yakima County needs a better emergency radio system to keep everyone safe and allow first responders to adequately do their jobs. No single agency can afford these upgrades, and state and federal funding isn’t available. The proposed sales tax will cover the cost of building the system. Once the initial costs are paid off, voters will have the option to vote on lowering the sales tax to cover ongoing maintenance.

Together, we can build a safer yakima county

Every second counts. With your support, we can ensure our first responders have the tools they need to respond effectively to emergencies and protect our community.